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Cookie Holidays: Special Days to Celebrate Cookies All Year Long

Cookie holidays celebrate cookies all year long. These special days let you enjoy specific types of cookies by both baking them and eating them.

These holidays have been designated by the good people at, a clearinghouse of recipes and tips from home cooks all over the world, as well as companies, special interest groups, card companies, and local governments. Whether “official” or not, cookie days are fun and have become tradition, celebrated year after year. Some of the holidays identify a particular type of cookie. Others celebrate a flavor found in cookies. If you need an excuse to celebrate cookies, consult this calendar. Then bake and enjoy!


If you know  special cookie holidays not listed here, please contact The Elf!

January: National Oatmeal Month

January 3: National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day

January 6: National Shortbread Day

January 8: English Toffee Day

January 9: Apricot Day

January 10: Bittersweet Chocolate Day

January 12: Marzipan Day

January 16: Fig Newton Day

January 20: Buttercrunch Day

January 22: Blonde Brownie Day


February: National Cherry Month

February 5: World Nutella Day

February 8: Molasses Bar Day

February 10: Cream Cheese Brownie Day

February 16: Almond Day

February 19: Chocolate Mint Day


March 7: Cereal Day

March 8: Peanut Cluster Day

March 18: Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day

March 19: Chocolate Caramel Day

March 26: Nougat Day


April 5: Caramel Day

April 9: Chinese Almond Cookie Day

April 14: Pecan Day

April 30: Oatmeal Cookie Day


May 2: Truffle Day

May 9: National Butterscotch Brownie Day

May 11: Eat What You Want Day

May 12: Nutty Fudge Day

May 15: National Chocolate Chip Day

May 31: Macaroon Day


June 2: Rocky Road Day

June 5: Gingerbread Day

June 12: Peanut Butter Cookie Day

June 16: Fudge Day

June 24: Pralines Day


July 9: Sugar Cookie Day

July 28: Milk Chocolate Day


August: Eat Dessert First Month

              Brownies at Brunch Month

August 10: S’mores Day

August 16: Rum Day

August 26: National Bake It Yourself Day


September: Honey Month

September 4: Macadamia Nut Day

September 13: Peanut Day

September 23: White Chocolate Day

September 29: National Biscotti Day


October: National Cookie Month

October 1: National Homemade Cookie Day


November: National Peanut Butter Lovers Month

November 7: Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

November 20: Peanut Butter Fudge Day


First full week in December: National Cookie Cutter Week

December 4: National Cookie Day

December 8: Brownie Day

December 13: Cocoa Day

December 16: National Chocolate-Covered-Anything Day

December 26: Candy Cane Day

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